1:1 | Small group
Unrivaled service where we build a strong foundation for you to not only achieve, but surpass your goals.
Unlike many other training services, we focus on your movement quality and functionality. We coach you how to train Efficiently & Effectively to aid the longevity body through training

Rehabilitation coaching
1:1 | Small group
Your first set to being pain free.
Making injury rehab engaging, challenging and effective.
Rehabilitation coaching is about seamlessly integrating specific injury rehab exercises with strength conditioning. Coaching you from pain to performance.
online coaching
1:1 | Small group
Your first set to being pain free.
Making injury rehab engaging, challenging and effective.
Rehabilitation coaching is about seamlessly integrating specific injury rehab exercises with strength conditioning. Coaching you from pain to performance.


First Step: Onboarding, Assessment & Testing
Client Onboarding: Client information Form and Welcome pack
Movement Assessment: Thorough postural assessment and movement screen to identify needs to be addressed through the program
Strength & Fitness Assessment: Specific strength & cardiovascular tests to gain our start point.
Mindset Assessment: For the best results, we will need to assess your habits, behaviours and ways to communicate with you.
Second Step: The Program
Your program design - Tailored Rehab, Strength & Fitness programming.
Nutrition support and guidance
Weekly check-ins ensuring that we are working closely to achieve your goals
Use of video analysis to continually support your progression through the program
Access to educational content to members only
Third Step: Review, Implement and Progress
Re-testing to assess our progression of the key lifts and fitness tests
Review consultation - Breakdown of the progress made to date and what the focus’ will be going into the next phase.
Plan & Execute - Set clear intentions for the next phase of programming working towards achieving your goals.
million people
34% of the England population suffer with chronic pain
per week an adult needs to perform moderate-intensity physical activity